Situat al 878 de Peachtree Street NE, a Atlanta, The Vortex és un bar/restaurant de menjar típic americà. A la pròpia capçalera de la pàgina web tenen el que ofereixen: Serving Burgers & Booze since 1992.

Es tracta d'un local de mida mitjana, fosc i ple de coses per les parets, com per exemple parts de motos, amb una aparença més de bar que de restaurant, tot i que tothom hi va a menjar hamburgueses.

A la paret de l'entrada i tenen tots els premis que han guanyat i no tenen forat per cap més. Entre ells el premi a les millors hamburgueses d'Atlanta.

A mi m'han deixat totalment indiferent. He provat moltíssimes hamburgueses molt més bones. La mida no estava malament, però tampoc eren tan immenses com tothom les venia...o potser jo tenia massa gana. I el preu massa elevat pel que era l'hamburguesa. I això sense tenir en compte que em van 'robar' una propina que jo no volia deixar. No estava gens merescuda.

Jo no hi tornaria. Espero que hi hagi hamburgueses més bones a Atlanta. La única cosa que cap destacar és la seva pàgina web en la que tenen un seguit de polítiques de cara als clients que, si més no, són diferents del que estem acostumats.

Located at 878 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, The Vortex is a bar/restaurant with typical American food. At the very top of the website you can read what they offer: Serving Burgers & Booze since 1992.

It is medium sized, dark and full of things on the walls, such as motorcycles, with the appearance of a bar more than a restaurant, even though everyone goes to eat hamburgers.

I was completely indifferent. I have had so many burgers that tasted better than the one I had at The Vortex. The size was not bad, but it was not as huge as everyone said it would be...or maybe I was too hungry. And the price was too high for that burger. And that's without taking into account that the waitress 'stole' a tip that I did not want to leave. It was not deserved.

On the entrance wall they have all the awards they have won and there is no hole for any more. Including the award for the best burger in Atlanta.

I would not come back. I hope there are more good burgers in Atlanta. The only thing to emphasize is the website where you have a number of policies for costumers. At least, the website and these policies are different than what we are used to.

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